30 Prayers for Your Husband

We as wives may not always know what to pray for concerning our husbands. Or our lives may just end up filled with so much that our brains may have a hard time focusing on our prayers. I know just how crowded my mind can get, but I also know how important it is to pray. And the most important person in your life as a wife should be your husband. So we should always make sure we pray continually for him as he leads you and your household.

Here is a little printable booklet that may help you to remember things to pray for concerning your husband. There are 30 prayers with scripture references so you can pray a different prayer every day for 30 days.

This is a resource that really has helped me as a wife to pray for my wonderful husband. And I just start over every month. It saves me a lot of time because I don’t always remember everything I want to pray for. Now I don’t have to; it’s all written down!

Just click the link for your free PDF printable.